Airbrushing – Applying a Base
Health And Safety:
- When using the airbrush machine always ensure the room you are working in is fully ventilated
- When working around the mouth/nose, always remind your client to hold their breath to avoid breathing in any product
- Ensure your work area is a suitable temperature to accommodate your clients’ needs
- Always place your air compressor on a flat surface with a towel or matt underneath to help it stay in place and avoid vibration/ movement
- Loose wires or cables are a trip hazard always keep them neat and organised
- Always check your products are in date
- Always check if your model has any allergies to any products you are planning to use
- Always carry out a PAT test of the product to test if your model is allergic to the products
- Never mix products between companies as they may not perform to their best standard
- Check for cuts and grazes on the client’s skin, avoid working on these areas
- Always complete a client consultation
- Do not obstruct the compressor or the vent
- Clean after EVERY use
- Do not use with anyone who has severe asthma, if you are ensure the room is ventilated and allow them breathing time
- You can use this type of makeup application on people with skin conditions such as herpes, warts and cold sores because it is not a contact form of application, the airbrush never touches the client’s skin therefore avoiding contamination
Not damaging towards pregnancy as it does not absorb into the skin
- Airbrush machine
- Foundation shades
- Cleanser, toner and moisturiser
- Clothing wrap/ Cover
- Primer
- Tissue
Skin Prep:
- Cleanse, tone and moisturise the client’s skin
- Depending on your client’s skin type, apply a primer that suits their skin i.e. oily, dry, combination, sensitive etc
- Using a concealer that matched your client’s skin tone conceal any areas that are darker in pigmentation for a full coverage appearance
- When using the airbrushing machine hold the airbrush approximately 4-6 inches away from your client’s face to achieve the best finish
- Shield your client’s hair with either your hand or tissue to stop the product getting into their hair
- Ensure your model wears a clothing wrap to protect their clothing from the product
- Work in circular motions to avoid creating streaky lines and patches in the finish of the product on the skin
- Start with a foundation colour and work in thin layers to build up coverage and ensure you leave the layers to dry in-between applications to avoid wet patches
- When applying contour and blush be light handed as the colours can be very pigmented, it easy to add pigmentation but harder to remove without disrupting the base foundation below
Pros of Airbrushing:
The skin has a very natural finish unlike normal foundation which can look very cakey and thick. The skin has a dewy, illuminating look due to the fact that the airbrush foundation does not need to be set by a powder as it is long lasting once it had died down. Overall, the appearance and finish of the airbrush base is an enhancement of natural skin to give a more ‘awake’ / ‘flawless’ appearance, unlike normal foundations which conceal and cover the skins natural appearance
